LightCoins comes with a comprehensive API that you can access.
We have three data objects: AccountData, CoinsData, and VirtualData. Both CoinsData and VirtualData are stored within the AccountData object, with VirtualData being stored as a List<VirtualData>.
Use LightCoins as a maven dependency
<!-- Make sure you are using the latest version! -->
Some examples of how to use the API
First, let's understand how LightCoins works and how it is structured.
public class SomeEconomyClass {
* Get the LightCoinsAPI instance
* Do not create a new instance of LightCoinsAPI, use this method instead
* @return The LightCoinsAPI instance
public LightCoinsAPI getLightCoinsAPI() {
return LightCoins.instance.getLightCoinsAPI();
* Get the account data of a player
* @param playerName The name of the player. Can be a UUID, String or OfflinePlayer object.
* @return The account data object of the target player. Can be null!
public AccountData getAccountData(String playerName) {
return getLightCoinsAPI().getAccountData(playerName);
* Get the coins data of a player (Default Currency)
* @param playerName The name of the player. Can be a UUID, String or OfflinePlayer object.
* @return The coins data object of the target player. Can be null!
public CoinsData getCoinsData(String playerName) {
return getAccountData(playerName).getCoinsData();
* Get the virtual data of a player (Virtual Currency)
* @param playerName The name of the player. Can be a UUID, String or OfflinePlayer object.
* @return The virtual data object of the target player. Can be null!
public List<VirtualData> getVirtualData(String playerName) {
return getAccountData(playerName).getVirtualCurrencies();
* Get the specified virtual data of a player (Virtual Currency)
* @param playerName The name of the player. Can be a UUID, String or OfflinePlayer object.
* @param currencyName The name of the virtual currency
* @return The virtual data object of the target player. Can be null!
public VirtualData getSomeCustomCurrency(UUID uuid, String currencyName) {
return getAccountData(uuid).getVirtualCurrencyByName(currencyName);
Lets do some transaction with the default Currency (Vault). In this case we add some amount of coins to a specified player.
* Add coins to a player
* @param uuid The uuid of the player. Can be a UUID, String(playername)
* or OfflinePlayer object.
* @param amount The amount of coins to add
* @return The economy response object
public EconomyResponse addCoinsToPlayer(UUID uuid, BigDecimal amount) {
return getCoinsData(uuid).addCoins(amount);
public void someMethode(Player player) {
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);
EconomyResponse response = addCoinsToPlayer(uuid, amount);
if(response.transactionSuccess()) {
// transaction was successful
} else {
// transaction failed
player.sendMessage("Transaction failed: " + response.errorMessage);
Let's interact with a custom currency. In this case, we are looking for "gems" and want to remove some of them. Here is an example of how it works
* Remove coins from a player
* @param uuid The uuid of the player.
* @param amount The amount of coins to remove
* @return The economy response object
public VirtualResponse removeCoinsFromPlayer(UUID uuid, String gemsCurrency, BigDecimal amount) {
// Get the virtual data of the player
VirtualData virtualData = getAccountData(uuid).getVirtualCurrencyByName(gemsCurrency);
// Check if the currency exists
if(virtualData != null) {
// Remove the balance from the player
return virtualData.removeBalance(amount);
// return a new virtual response with a custom failure message
return new VirtualResponse(new BigDecimal(0), new BigDecimal(0),
VirtualResponse.VirtualResponseType.FAILURE, "Currency not found");
public void anotherMethode(Player player) {
UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId();
BigDecimal amount = BigDecimal.valueOf(100);
VirtualResponse response = removeCoinsFromPlayer(uuid, "gems", amount);
if(response.transactionSuccess()) {
// transaction was successful
} else {
// transaction failed, for e.g the player does not have enough gems
player.sendMessage("Transaction failed: " + response.errorMessage);
LightCoins comes also with Events. There are 2 Events currently. These events are only for the default currency (vault).